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Difference between revisions of "Article Status and Index"

Line 50: Line 50:
*Work in progress, not useful content: [[Dysfunction in American Politics]]
*Work in progress, not useful content: [[Dysfunction in American Politics]]

*[[A Collection of Quotes Produced by Interaction with my Wife (my reflection)]]
*[[Command Line Cheat Sheets]]
*[[Command Line Cheat Sheets]]
*[[The Right to Bear Cyber Arms]]
*[[Commentary on Near Death Experiences]]
*[[City vs. Rural Government]]
*[[Home School or School Supplemental Program]]
*[[Development of a Home School Program]]
*Notes and scraps: [[Parking Lot]]
*Notes and scraps: [[Parking Lot]]

*[[Liberty Hacks]]

Line 120: Line 108:
*[[Market of Ideas]]
*[[Market of Ideas]]
*[[Commentary on Near Death Experiences]]

===Communication and Networking===
===Communication and Networking===
Line 130: Line 119:
*[[Math as a Universal Language|Math for the Common Man]]
*[[Math as a Universal Language|Math for the Common Man]]
*[[Various Enlightened Quotes]]
*[[Various Enlightened Quotes]]
*[[A Collection of Quotes Produced by Interaction with my Wife (my reflection)]]

Line 139: Line 129:
*[[Memories of War]]
*[[Memories of War]]
*[[Commentary on the Issue of Diffusion of Power|Why the Second Amendment Doesn't Matter]]
*[[Commentary on the Issue of Diffusion of Power|Why the Second Amendment Doesn't Matter]]

Line 151: Line 140:
*Not started, contains notes only: [[A Collection of Allegories and Anecdotes provided by Life]]
*Not started, contains notes only: [[A Collection of Allegories and Anecdotes provided by Life]]
*Not started, [[Reengineering One's Thought Processes towards fulfilling the Nodal Destiny]]

Line 162: Line 154:
*[[The Efficient Garden]]
*[[The Efficient Garden]]
*[[Family Fun]]
*[[Family Fun]]
*[[Home School or School Supplemental Program]]
*Not started, [[Reengineering One's Thought Processes towards fulfilling the Nodal Destiny]]
*[[Development of a Home School Program]]
*[[Liberty Hacks]]

Line 191: Line 184:
*[[Rule of Law v. Rule of Man]]
*[[Rule of Law v. Rule of Man]]
*[[Kicking the King to the Curb]]
*[[Kicking the King to the Curb]]
*[[City vs. Rural Government]]

===Economic Theories===
===Economic Theories===
Line 236: Line 230:
*[[KSpect's IT Security Framework]]
*[[KSpect's IT Security Framework]]
*[[Hacker Highschool]]
*[[Hacker Highschool]]
*[[The Right to Bear Cyber Arms]]

=Other Templates and Things=
=Other Templates and Things=
[[Widget: Google Spreadsheet]]
[[Widget: Google Spreadsheet]]

Revision as of 13:24, 12 May 2018

You can like this site on Facebook if you're into that sort of thing.

What is KSpect?

Just trying to find the right answers --

It is said that there is his "truth", her "truth", and somewhere in the middle is the actual Truth. KSpect aims to look at issues from all angles to find something closer to the actual Truth. The Truth itself can probably never be spoken or written since each of us operates from a limited and incomplete perspective, but it can at least be attempted. This site is the combined efforts of 1 man and 1 woman seeking to live out the Truth as they understand it, in their lives.

KSpect Logo v1.png

Why is it named, KSpect?

Few words in English begin with KS so the word, KSpect, is unique and relatively short. The letter K has a harshness to it perhaps most embodying a masculine force in the alphabet and S has a softness that embodies a feminine force. When the two are joined with a root word, spect, it could be translated as looking at both sides of an issue to arrive at something more closely approximating the Truth.

How is KSpect?

The process is simple - farm the Internet and Life itself for nuggets of Truth and use them as though they were the parts to a greater whole. Write up the results into articles that can alter one's consciousness. Distill the articles into simple expressions, similar to koans, which capture the essence of a given issue and simultaneously allow participants on both sides of a disagreement to move forward with a new understanding.


It is said that when a man dies, an entire library dies with him. This site is an attempt to contain the life experiences and learnings of one man and his wife to pass on to their progeny.


Topics to seed discussion include everything under the sun, but may start with:

  • governance frameworks such as the United States Constitution
  • didn't know thats
  • every day life
  • information technology
  • information security frameworks
  • parenting and childrearing
  • education
  • science
  • religion
  • philosophy
  • politics
  • history
  • popular culture
  • chickens
  • art; even fashion!

List of Articles That are Usable

List of Articles Organized by Planned Flow

This is the general outline for this web site as it is being built out:

Life Mechanisms

The Foundation

The Thought Machine

Communication and Networking


Failed Diplomacy

Food from Life




Issues turned Political

Government and Economic Systems

Economic Theories

Tax Matters


Legal Structures


Idealogical Towns and Countries

Corporate Governance

Cyber Security

Other Templates and Things

Widget: Google Spreadsheet