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Government Reform Overview

1.) Yes, Enforced -- state and even lower level initiatives to move the federal entity back to strict construction of terms such as general welfare, interstate commerce, necessary and proper, and so forth. See Texas Sovereignty Act group on Facebook or a meager attempt to explain here: http://statesovereignty.com (redirects). I see Tom posted links to the FB group in an earlier post.

2.) Support enforcement or not through small community ideals - when saying such things as constitution enforced, or taxation is theft, while it sounds nice on paper, it may need to be coupled with even smaller steps that are more readily attainable. I suspect that establishment of smaller communities would have greater success in achieving the aims of various groups with differing ideals even within the Libertarian party. Rather than attempting to convince others of the efficacy of one's ideals, why not simply move to a smallish place with others of like mind. Jefferson proposed dividing the country up into wards or mini-republics where people would know their reps and could opt-in or opt-out of higher levels of the republic. Others have called the similar concept, cellular democracy. The basic idea is to buy up land and get started. I think something like this could help resolve some of the divide across party lines in that the Rothbardians could create their anarcho-capitalist paradises, and the others more inclined towards constitutional originalism may have it their way. If such ways of thinking are valid, then the fruits and prosperity would emerge and others would copy. If not, then let them die on the vine, as they should! Free-market in governance! I have a feeling that bitcoin and similar smart contracts may play a role here, but have yet to piece it together.


3.) Focus on other strategic and tactical legislative initiatives ACROSS party lines. Consider an example to transition away from fed and income tax. Please don't laugh   I know it's funny though, the Vote with your Wallet Act, as an interim solution, see here:


Any such proposal is sort of a catch-22 because the system has to feed on debt and without it, will implode the whole world from what I can tell. I spoke with the downsizedc . org and they indicated this was on their radar for 2017. They seemed to have helped with the audit the fed and similar proposals behind the scenes.

4.) Clarify Constitutionality and government operations. Confusion on how the government works is rampant and needs help. Ask 10 different people and you can get 10 different answers - sort of like diet books on eating healthy. Diversity is good, to a point, but it is mass confusion and creates excessive resentment, in my view, which could be better channeled into building the type of community one wants to live in. A meager work-in-progress to try and understand how the government and Constitution works and how it changed its own rules along the way is here: http://constitutionalcorruption.com (redirects). There are others. When I'm done, I plan to create some simple images to explain it at a glance.