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Why KSpect?

It is said that there is his "truth", her "truth", and somewhere in the middle is the actual Truth. KSpect aims look at issues from both sides with an ultimate goal of expanding consciousness and with luck finding creative solutions to problems big and small. Few words in English begin with KS. The letter K has a harshness to it perhaps most embodying the male principle in the alphabet and and S has a soft sound perhaps most embodying the female principle of the consonants in the alphabet. the root word, spect, is to look at something.

Site Goals

KSpect is a modern day site dedicated to:

  • practical expansion of consciousness by:
  • looking at an eclectic blend of topics from a variety of angles to find creative simple solutions for "problems" confronting our present age and for unseating crystalized thought patterns.


Topics to seed discussion include everything under the sun, but may start with:

  • identifying distilled knowledge - modern day koans
  • governance frameworks such as the United States Constitution
  • didn't know thats
  • every day life
  • information technology
  • information security frameworks
  • parenting and childrearing
  • education
  • science
  • religion
  • philosophy
  • politics
  • popular culture
  • art; even fashion!


There are a number of articles published on a sister site that are being migrated to this site. Below is the list of important articles migrated so far: