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An Ongoing Proposal for Identifying and Supporting Liberty Minded Candidates for Local and State Races - Harris County, Texas Emphasis


This page is a quick write up of various steps to identify suitable political offices for campaigns by Liberty minded (less government, more choices) candidates with an emphasis on Harris county and the surrounding area.

Liberty Sales Pitches for Various Offices

School Board

  • School Bullying
  • Curriculum
  • Texas' version of Common Core
  • Unfunded mandates
  • Taxes

City Council


Out Reach Opportunities

Tomball Farmer's Market

City Executive

County Judge


Credit to Brett Rodgers -- an application / interpretation follows:

Focus on timeless principles. Liberty? What is that? Oh yeah? OK, what does it have to do with How about reduce our garbage bill?

From a currently sitting city councilwoman, who ran on the Libertarian ticket:

"Limited government begins at the local level. You and I have the most control and access at this level. Spring is local budget season. Where does your city get it's income? Are you paying fees/taxes through your courts, water bill, or trash bill that are being funneled to a slush fund with an obscure and loose description? How much are city employees, specifically administrators and salaried staff being paid and what kind of benefits are they negotiating into their contracts. Who is bidding your public works projects and are the same companies getting them frequently or in one bid wins consistently. If ao, you may have a problem. How does your property tax rate compare to the areas around you and how is it being used? Does your city take 1/4 of your sales tax and give it to private businesses through an EDC? Do they give it to a Crime Control and Prevention District to fund the officers patrolling your area? Who is providing over site and accountability is the CCPD board stacked with police officers and their friends? Thousands of dollars of your money could be going to any number of things that impede your ability to live free."

Find the top issues that are important to local areas by reading Facebook groups belonging to different communities and joining Next Door.

Fund Raising

  • the350plan.com
  • quanta
