This list is a collection of discrete pieces of information that it would seem likely for an individual to encounter at some point in a given life span, but for whatever reason the individual did not encounter the information until later in life. These nuggets are as valuable as nuggets of Truth, because they demonstrate how one piece of information can unseat how one understands the world through a faulty assumption or belief system.
- There once was a woman who thought raisins are, well, dried raisins. She didn't know raisins are dried grapes.
- There once was woman from Texas who didn't realize that Galveston, Texas is an island.
- xing was thought to be a verb, pronounced zing,rather than short for crossing - #605 Kid Logic -this American life
- There once was a boy who believed that we only have 7 layers of skin. He didn't realize that skin regrows. This boy wore a coat everywhere he went to avoid sunburns which may risk his 7 layers of skin.
- It was once widely held by the scientific community, that there is no such thing as a black swan, until someone found one.
- There once was a man who didn't realize until he was 37 that the multiplication of 9 has a pattern involving addition of the two digits being multiplied to yield the sum of 9.
- There once was a person, about 20 years of age, who didn't realize that thunder comes from lightning. I heard their story on a Facebook group.