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Personal Constitution


After a conceptual understanding of the natural laws and The Constitution of Man is understood, the next steps would naturally include attempting to adopt a constitution to govern one's own consciousness.

About this Article

This article proceeds from two different perspectives. The first is more mystical and may not be palatable for many. The second is written in more 'rational' terms that will be more easily processed by those of a more facts-based mindset.


Starting out can be difficult - it seems that many have a number of obstacles in the way as follows:

  • Each person has a set of mental filters and deeply held beliefs which may act as a self-limitation from further growth of the mind
  • Each person, having a limited view of the whole, may twist the meaning of things they are picking up from spiritual sources. G.I. Gurdjieff himself, though perhaps subject to many rumors, seemed to believe himself immune to the requirements of spiritual pursuit.
  • Each ideology or mindset has a key blindspot or defect of which it may only be vaguely aware.
  • Not choosing a direction can be just as problematic as choosing a direction and learning from any resulting mistakes.
  • Many new comers to this type of pursuit alienate their friends and family through a type of superiority-complex. This is not condoned here.


  • One may begin by identifying those persons within ones sphere of influence who most closely model one's ideals. If none is available, there are a wide variety of characters, some legendary, in the historical record that may act as a foundation to mimic. In time, as one begins to carve out one's own place, a new identity will emerge and it will no longer be necessary to copy.