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A Collection of Interesting Beliefs

Below are examples of what is referred to as a thought-thread - core ideas which animate the rest of a ideology or its adherents belief system, sometimes all evidence to the contrary notwithstanding.

  • "converting private property into public wealth, and substituting co-operation for competition, will restore society to its proper condition of a thoroughly healthy organism" and is said to lead to individualism, that is, the ability to pursue one's creative ventures whatever they may be. [1]
  • Einstein didn’t believe that light could bend or that the universe had a beginning (the so-called big bang). Then again, maybe the universe is one of many and the many oscillate.
  • According to one, "Feminists knew they couldn't sell their message using communist language. So they created their own, one that would appeal to the masses." [2]
  • "... Men are men and women are women. They are essentially different and designed for a natural division of labor. ..."
  • "In an ideal world, there would be no taxation. All services would be paid for on an as-used basis. But in a less-than-ideal world, some services will be force-financed for the foreseeable future. However, not all taxes are equally deleterious, and the worst form of taxation is a tax on productivity -- i.e. an "income" tax -- and no libertarian supports this type of taxation. What kind of taxation is least harmful? This is a topic still open for debate. My own preference is for a single tax on land. Is this "the" libertarian position on taxes? No. But all libertarians oppose any form of income tax."[3]