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Compilation of Religious and Political Systems


To enjoy this site, it would require a setting aside of what one currently believes to entertain other notions. But if you are not yet ready for the ultimate questions, this compilation of religious and/or political beliefs and their roots may be of assistance and at least provides some elements in common across all religions and/or political systems that can be drawn upon. You can always return to your preferred system or comfort zone, but if you liked, you could also start to ask some of The Ultimate Questions

The term religion is often used to mean a faith-based system. Let us define it as any system of thought in which the adherent has no direct experience with evidence supporting his assertions. Each of us will have areas of "faith" in our life whether it comes to putting value in the opinion of so-called scientific consensus or the various theological models put forth by adherents to various belief systems. Perhaps the following quote summarizes:

"The great trouble with religion - any religion - is that a religionist, having accepted certain propositions by faith, cannot thereafter judge those propositions by evidence. One may bask at the warm fire of faith or choose to live in the bleak uncertainty of reason - but one can not have both" - Heinlein

Perhaps, but, perhaps there are principles one can live by regardless of those areas of uncertainty in reason or faith that have proven themselves over time:

Principles to Live By

  • The Golden Rule / Law of Reciprocity – The cornerstone of religious understanding. “Do unto others what you would have them do unto you.” – Christianity
  • Honor Thy Father and Mother – Knowing them is the key to knowing ourselves. The day will come when we shall wish we had known them better.
  • Speak the Truth – “Sincerity is the way of heaven, and to think how to be sincere is the way of a man.” – Confucius
  • It’s More Blessed to Give than to Receive – Generosity, charity and kindness will open an individual to an unbounded reservoir of riches.
  • Heaven is Within – “Even as the scent dwells within the flower, so God within thine own heart forever abides.” – Sikhism
  • Love Thy Neighbor / Conquer With Love / All You Need is Love – Acts of faith, prayer and deep meditation provide us with the strength that allows love for our fellow man to become an abiding part of our lives. Love is a unifying force.
  • Blessed Are the Peacemakers – When people live in the awareness that there is a close kinship between all individuals and nations, peace is the natural result.
  • You Reap What You Sow – This is the great mystery of human life. Aware or unaware, all are ruled by this inevitable law of nature.
  • Man Does Not Live by Bread Alone – The blessings of life are deeper than what can be appreciated by the senses.
  • Do No Harm – If someone tries to hurt another, it means that she is perceiving that person as something separate and foreign from herself.
  • Forgiveness – The most beautiful thing a man can do is to forgive wrong. – Judaism
  • Judge Not, Lest Ye Be Judged – This principle is an expression of the underlying truth that mankind is one great family, and that we all spring from a common source.
  • Be Slow to Anger – Anger clouds the mind in the very moments that clarity and objectivity are needed most. “He who holds back rising anger like a rolling chariot, him I call a real driver; others only hold the reins.” – Buddha
  • There is But One God / God is Love – Nature, Being, The Absolute. Whatever name man chooses, there is but one God. All people and all things are of one essence.
  • Follow the Spirit of the Scriptures, Not the Words – “Study the words, no doubt, but look behind them to the thought they indicate; And having found it, throw the words away, as chaff when you have sifted out the grain.” – Hinduism

Borrowed from: Great Principles Shared by All Religions








Representative Sample Views

Atheism is all about burden of proof, atheists do not believe in a god or gods because those that claim a god or gods exist, have not met their burden of proof. The default position is to not believe something is real unless it has been proved to exist. Would you believe me if I said I own a Dragon? Probably not unless I provided evidence. Would you believe me if I told you I owned a dog? Probably, because its not an extraordinary claim. Extraordinary claims need extraordinary evidence. To claim there is an all powerful being, that watches over us, has provided rules on who we should have sex with and how we do it and will send us to eternal torture if we don't worship him needs extraordinary evidence.






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