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Please [https://www.facebook.com/kspect like this site on Facebook].
You find yourself standing in a dark space, but unlike being in a darkened room, you can see everything around you and the blackness has dimension. There is another person standing to your right, and like you, he is waiting to be born into the physical world. There is a being of white light who is answering questions. In front of us, and a few degrees below us, you can see the Earth with the facial images of two couples.  

=List of Articles That are Usable=
*[[Constitution for the Common Man]]
*[[The Land and Labor]]
*[[Proposed Changes to the Texas Sovereignty Act draft version, first published on Facebook on October 11, 2016]]
*[[The Vote with your Wallet Act]]
*[[Article Status and Index]]

=List of Articles Organized by Planned Flow=
You ask who those people are whose images appear on the Earth and the light replies that they were going to be your parents. The light said that it was time to go. The other one standing next to me walked forward and disappeared from my sight. You take your turn. You hear sounds of wind rushing. Eventually, you find yourself looking up at what are your parents: mother, father, and baby together at last. They raise you up and soon you begin to forget about The Waiting Room.  Over time questions begin to emerge.
This is the general outline for this web site as it is being built out:

*Work in progress, not useful: [[The Waiting Room]]
Around the age of three --
*Work in progress, not useful content: [[The Ultimate Questions]]
*Not started, planned: [[The Laws]]
*Work in progress, but useful content: [[The Land and Labor]]
*Not started, planned: [[A Collection of Hasty Generalizations about Group Mindsets]]
*Work in progress, but useful content: [[Constitution for the Common Man]]
*Work in progress, not useful content: [[Dysfunction in American Politics]]
*Work in progress, barely useful content: [[A Compilation of I-did-not-know-thats (IDNKT)]]
*Not started, but planned: [[A Reason-ABLE process]]
*Not started, contains notes only: [[A Collection of Allegories and Anecdotes provided by Life]]
*notes, [[A Collection of Interesting Animals]]
*Notes started: [[A Collection of Life Principles]]
*Not started, contains notes only: [[A Personal CyberSecurity Guide and Framework]]
*Not started, contains notes only: [[Adapting an Organizational System to Seeking Truth]]
*Not started, [[Reengineering One's Thought Processes towards fulfilling the Nodal Destiny]]
*notes and scraps, [[The Hundreds]]
*[[A Colored Man's Perspective]]

*Notes and scraps: [[Parking Lot]]
"Mother?", you ask.
"Yes?", she responds.
"Why are we here?", you ask.

=What is KSpect?=
Her answer doesn't satisfy you and more questions come. Eventually, these questions lead to the [[The Ultimate Questions]].
It is said that there is his "truth", her "truth", and somewhere in the middle is the actual Truth. KSpect aims look at issues from multiple angles to find something closer to the actual [[Truth]]. The Truth itself can probably never be spoken or written since each of us operates from a limited and incomplete perspective.  

Image source: [http://www.space.com/21627-earth-from-space-pictures-gallery.html space.com]
=Why is it KSpect?=
Few words in English begin with KS so the word, KSpect, is unique and relatively short. The letter K has a harshness to it perhaps most embodying a masculine force  in the alphabet and and S has a softness that embodies a feminine force. When the two are joined with a root word, spect, it could be translated as looking at both sides of an issue to arrive at something more closely approximating the Truth.
=How is KSpect?=
The process is simple - farm the Internet and Life itself for nuggets of Truth and use them as though they were the parts to a greater whole. Write up the results into articles that can alter one's consciousness. Distill the articles into simple expressions, similar to [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kōan koans], which capture the essence of a given issue and simultaneously allow participants on both sides of a disagreement to move forward with a new understanding.
Topics to seed discussion include everything under the sun, but may start with:
*governance frameworks such as the United States Constitution
*didn't know thats
*every day life
*information technology
*information security frameworks
*parenting and childrearing
*popular culture
*art; even fashion!

Revision as of 06:40, 16 November 2016

You find yourself standing in a dark space, but unlike being in a darkened room, you can see everything around you and the blackness has dimension. There is another person standing to your right, and like you, he is waiting to be born into the physical world. There is a being of white light who is answering questions. In front of us, and a few degrees below us, you can see the Earth with the facial images of two couples.


You ask who those people are whose images appear on the Earth and the light replies that they were going to be your parents. The light said that it was time to go. The other one standing next to me walked forward and disappeared from my sight. You take your turn. You hear sounds of wind rushing. Eventually, you find yourself looking up at what are your parents: mother, father, and baby together at last. They raise you up and soon you begin to forget about The Waiting Room. Over time questions begin to emerge.

Around the age of three --

"Mother?", you ask. "Yes?", she responds. "Why are we here?", you ask.

Her answer doesn't satisfy you and more questions come. Eventually, these questions lead to the The Ultimate Questions.

Image source: space.com