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An Alternative Method for Vocabulary Instruction

The way we teach vocabulary and foreign tongues seems backwards to me. Below is a small sample of word groupings and preliminary regular expressions (computer jargon) for evaluating dictionaries and identifying common words. Rather than teaching thousands of words, we could teach the basic primitives as well as using words people already know to quickly bridge languages. I borrowed some of the ideas from places that promote things called edenics, and the Hebrew Research Center. There is also a book called Hebrew is Greek.

It is my personal belief that the languages are architected from beyond somehow and contain within them various encoded messages, the same as our bodies and the division of the sexes are themselves a symbol with a message.


After removing redundant consonant letters:


Grouping by sound type and removing redundant that can be replaced with two letters e.g. Z = TS:

(B|P|V) = container, division, house (V|W) (D|T) = doorway, or endpoint? marker F G J K L = authority H M = motion N = perpetual R = head, start, first, beginning S W Y


 Hebrew related: the silent A is said to mean strength and infinite possibility, the R is said to mean head, first, start, etc. so with this we can derive a meaning for this root. 
 Speculated root meaning: upper limit or limitless
 English: Air, Aero, Area (boundary - defines the limits), Ear, Earn?, 


   English: ARBitrary. ARBor,
   Spanish: ARBol


   English: Ark, Arc, Arch, Arachnid



   Something to do with movement towards low
   English: Dark


   English: DucK
   English: DiKe
   English: DuKe


   Seems to have the sense of the first of something or that which perpetuates. Notice how many are related to something pertaining to fruit and seed and the relationship.
   English: PeaR 
   English: PaRe
   English: PRune
   English: PRime
   English: PuRportedly
   English: PRimitive
   English: PRistine
   English: PaR
   English: PoL: related to the many
   English: PoRt: an opening
   English: aPpLe
   English: PeeL
   English: PoLe
   English: PoLice, PoLicy
   Greek: PoLis: city
   English: VoLley
   English: VeiL
   English: BaLl
   English: BeLt
   English: Belief: changing viewpoints
   English: BaiL: to make bail means to be released, but on condition


   Seems to convey that which expands and as a dual meaning contains. The penis expands, but can bind. The bones are what provides the structure to the body. Benevolent, Benefactor, Bean, Banner (expands knowledge) which seems to connect to BAN, which is a division. So the word seems to indicate either expansion or division/containment. 
   English: PeNis
   English: PeNal
   English: oPeN
   English: PiNe (high)
   English: PuNish
   English: PaiN
   Engish: PoinNt
   English: alBiNo
   English: alPiNe
   English: alBuMin
   English: BiNd
   English: BeN 
   English: BiN (containment)
   English: BoNe
   English: BaNe
   English: PaN: exPaNd, 


   English: exCAVate
   English: CAVE (hole in the ground)
   Spanish: CAVAR (to dig)
   English: CaValier - not connected -  is related to horse mounted or flamboyantly dressed, has come to mean one who doesn't care about what is important.


   English:  Motion, Mother, Emotion, Em
   Hebrew: Imma


   Seems to be related to stretching out the hands. We see the spanish Tener meaning to have,hold, and then tender meaning a medium of exchange (in the hands), tender (being gentle with the hands), or in( work with the hands), 
   Spanish:TeNer:TeNgo, Tienes
   English: inTeNd
   English: inTeNtion
   English: TonE: 
   English:TuNe: requires adjustment using hands
   English: TiNe: stretched out spikes, fingers
   English: conTaiN: stretch out / cover with hands
   English: Tongue: stretched out


   With the root has something to do with going round and round again like a ToRus. Somehow related to strength of a bull/Taurus, 
   English: Truth
   English: Three, 
   English: Tree
   Seems to convey a sense of working along a path then contained.
   English: TRouBle
   English: TRaVail
   English: TRiVial
   English: ThRive
   English: TRaVel
   Spanish: TRaBajar,
   English: Train
   English: Trans
   English: Throne